Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Hope it's fantastic! Don't forget to eat plenty!

-Colie xoxo

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I love playing with makeup. I like doing unexpected things with makeup, as well as traditional things. I am personally obsessed with special effects makeup and I think that there is always new things to do. The boundaries can always be pushed. 

these are some of my handy work
I am an armature futzer when it comes to hair.
 I get a lot of my tricks and ideas from Youtube tutorials.
I meet a lot of people saying they can't do the stuff the people do on the 
videos, but it's all pretty easy. You just gotta be willing to try over and over again! 
It's a really good feeling when you finally get it right!

-Colie xoxo 

This blog will be mostly here to express things I like to do with fashion, hair, and photography.
So basically all my passions. Hope you enjoy!!!